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楼主 发表于 2019.01.28 18:30:05 1920 浏览 4 回复 0

GcProKey Update70

GcProKey Update70 Samsung Sprint Unlock Improved & LG Screenlock Without Data Lost

GcPro Total update count 70
release date 23-01-2019

    • Added Samsung Sprint new firmware support sim unlock for older models.
      via combination modem

      • Added Samsung Sprint spc read support over adb for all new and older models without root.

      • Added LG Most models (new and old both) Bypass Locks & enable adb method without data lost.
        Note:Modem port need if device do not make modem port can not be done.

      • Improved adb related functions.

      • Improved exynos unlock code read for SS308

    • Strongly recommend to use latest version. all old version will stop working soon.

    • Big thanks to all bug hunters who helped to improve GCPro software.
