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楼主 发表于 2019.03.23 11:14:54 1755 浏览 4 回复 0

GcProKey Update72 [ Samsung Unlocking Improved,Flasher Released ] [18-03-2019]

GcProKey Update72 [ Samsung Unlocking Improved,Flasher Released ] [18-03-2019]

GcPro Total update count 72 release date 18-03-2019

GCPROGSMTOOL V1.0.0.0064 released.

  • Added samsung SC-02J QCOM code read support via credits.(use newqc unlock)

  • Added samsung Flash_Zip function for flashing Tar,img,zip with improved speed.

  • Added samsung safe MODEMSTX_RESET software will confirm you want to reset full or safe.
    Note:This function help on SCxx phones which do not show enter unlock code option normally.
    Warning: Do not make Yes else it will full reset and you will lost network,cert,imei etc.

  • Added Samsung Exynos msl reset on older modems in case of imeicert_write_usb is used.
    Note: This will only work exynos phone with older basebands. in sort no need to use exynos unlock for reset msl from now.

  • Improved SS333 without root support directly use adb unlock.

  • Improved qcom code read.

  • Improved upload mode.

  • Improved samsung flashing speed.

  • Improved samsung upload mode reading speed.

  • Improved samsung G570M and other SS305 read cert,code read etc.
